Saturday 11 July 2015

2015 Business Budget

What exactly did George Osborne do on Wednesday 8th July? He presented a Budget for Business

  • Tax rates for corporations,already the lowest in the G7 are to be lowered further.
  • Companies able to invest £ 250,000 a year and set it off against tax
  • Special levies on banks reduced
  • Inheritance tax reduced
 Next year will see the largest privatisation proceeds of state assets (state equity in public banks sold at a loss) in a single year ever, over £10 billion higher in real terms than the previous record in 1987-89.

These tax reductions for Corporations are worth 28bn over 5 years. At the same time hidden subsidies, direct grants and tax breaks amount to £93bn a year, or £3500 per UK household. A new report by Kevin Farnsworth of York University shows that the British Government spends more on grants and loans to big business than they raise on corporate taxes  
And this does not take into account tax avoidance or tax evasion.

What exactly did George Osborne do on Wednesday 8th July? He punished the working population and families.

  • Working age benefits frozen for four years
  • Family element CTC to be removed on Tax credits
  • Limiting CTC to first two children
  • Income threshold halved
  • Taper rate raised from 41% to 48%
  • Income Rise disregard reduced to £2500 from£5000
  • Last of student grants replaced by loans
  • Social Housing allowances reduced
  • Pay limit of 1% for public sector
Tax officials will pay hard-hitting private debt collectors to target families who owe the government more than £3,000.

He is pouring billions into business and they are saying thank you and carrying on doing what they do best and pay minimum wages and introduce Zero hours contracts

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